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Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 12, 2011

UME 14

 UME 14 Contents

- Deanna Petherbridge: Subverting the Silicon: A Critique of Drawing in the Computer Age
- Daly, Genik: Camino Nuevo Elementary School, Los Angeles, California, USA
- RoTo Architects: View Silo House, Paradise Valley, Montana, USA
- Chris Clarke: Clarke MacLeod House, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
- Philip Goad: The Influence of the Case Study House Programme in Australia
- Peter Ebner and Gunter Eckerstorfer: Student Hostel, Glockengasse, Salzburg, Austria
- Zaha Hadid: one north, Science Hub masterplan, Singapore
- Brian Mackay-Lyons: Howard House, West Pennant, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Denton Corker Marshall: Melbourne Museum, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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